This case is one of about 300 used mystery cases that we have in our warehouse. Originally we had enough to fill a semi-truck, and now we have a few hundred. We will be listing about 6 per week, so keep an eye on our listings for new cases. These are being sold as used cases because most all of them are dusty, dirty, or damaged unless described differently below. A lot of these cases are odd shapes, and a lot of them will be very under-priced because we are blowing them out. Please see our description below for specific information regarding this case.
This case is for a "Flying V" style guitar judging by the shape and interior length which is 48". The front says "Washburn" in the old style lettering and it is a very large heavy case. There are a couple of minor finish flaws that you can see in the photos, however other than that this case is in great condition. I'm sure this case retailed for over $100.00 at the least, and if you think this will fit your guitar then this is a GREAT deal.
Distance between bottom of horn tips 17-1/2"